As part of the cooperation between the Eunice University and the Institute of Applied Mechanics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the…

PUT students are invited to take part in international summer school Cyber F IT on “Cybersecurity of Learning Environments”  The summer school is…

The exhibition of photos from Chernihiv, destroyed by the Russians, entitled "Ukraine Chernihiv - 40 days of blockade and bombing" was opened in the…

The Faculty of Computer Science and Telecommunications of the Poznan University of Technology received support from the National Agency for Academic…

 As part of the TWO FACES OF ONE FUTURE competition, the team of four designed the Dream Dormitory – Poznan Stairs. Team composition: Jakub Zenger…

The university was represented by the Rector, prof. Teofil Jesionowski, who chaired the panel "Does society need technical culture?". Polish…

  79 applications were submitted to the competition, including 69 for the Scholarship and 10 for the Scientific Award. By the decision of the Jury…

 3rd place in the general classification of the European Robotics League for the team from the Poznan University of Technology.  Honorable Mention in…

Registration of candidates for the Doctoral School for the academic year 2022/2023: from June 15, 2022 to July 31, 2022.   GO TO THE RECRUITMENT…

Zero waste technologies created in the course of scientific activities conducted by the team led by prof. Sławomir Borysiak gained recognition and…

The event, organized by the Careers Service Center, attracted graduates and students. More than 30 companies presented their offer and prepared…

University of Catania hosted the international meeting of EUNICE partnership from 6th to 7th June to discuss REUNICE’s next milestones The…