
Influence of actual shape imperfections on strength, loss of stability and load capacity of thin-walled beams and columns with unusual channel sections


AKAI Code 2022

For many years, AKAI has brought together students with a passion for software engineering who can develop their passion by implementing team projects and participating in various types of events related to the IT industry.

The motto of the AKAI  is "It's all about sharing!".

This year, the members decided to organize their hackathon. AKAI Code is a 24-hour marathon during which participants will implement their ideas. The theme of the first edition of AKAI Code is "The Social Influence".


July 10, 2022

9.30 - Faculty of Materials Engineering and Technical Physics and Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energy

12.00 - Faculty of Engineering Management

14.30 - Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering– Civil Engineering

17.00 - Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering - Construction and operation of means of transport; Aviation and cosmonautics; Mechanics and vehicle construction; Transport