Laboratory of Biomechanics 
The Laboratory of Biomechanics was established in 2012 at the Institute of Applied Mechanics of the Poznań University of Technology as an important element of the education process in the newly emerging field of study “biomedical engineering”. From the beginning of its existence, it was very popular among students who, using the equipment available in the laboratory, willingly carried out their diploma theses and their own research as part of the work in the BTS Da Vinci students association. The passion for science and the involvement of team members and students in the development of the laboratory led to the expansion of the scope of research topics and projects.
Currently, the scope of research work, the subject of didactic classes and diploma theses as well as implemented projects and commissioned works include issues such as: rehabilitation biomechanics, prosthetics, sport biomechanics, human movement biomechanics, biometrics, applications of artificial intelligence methods in biomedical engineering, medical image processing and many others.
Head of the laboratory: Tomasz Walczak, Ph.D.
Contact: tomasz.walczak@put.poznan.pl
Link to the website of laboratory: lab-biomech.put.poznan.en
Laboratory of Strength of Materials and Structures
The Strength of Materials and Structures Laboratory conducts research and development work in the field of strength and stability of all types of machine structures using analytical, numerical and experimental methods.
We offer research in the field of:
- application of modern analytical, numerical and experimental research methods in the field of strength and stability of materials as well as strength, stability and optimization of structures,
- advanced numerical research with the use of, among others, finite element methods using SolidWorks and ANSYS systems,
- materials testing as well as static and fatigue tests of structures or their parts,
- theoretical and experimental research on the strength and stability of thin-walled beams, shells and multi-layer structures,
- strain gauge tests of structures.

Head of the laboratory: Mikołaj Smyczyński, Ph.D. Eng.
Contact: mikolaj.smyczynski@put.poznan.pl